2019 monthly packaging waste exported and accepted for reprocessing (published 10 February 2020)
Defra and the ACP have agreed to trial monthly publishing of the aggregated amount of waste packaging, by material that has been recorded on NPWD. 2019 monthly reports will be cumulative from 1 January and we will publish them around the 10th day of each month. Monthly waste recording is not mandatory, however reprocessors and exporters will still be required to complete quarterly reporting as normal.
Monthly Reports
1 January 2019 - 10 February 2020
2019 Reprocessor and Exporter UK Revenue Report (published 31 March 2020)
Breakdown of PRN/ PERN revenue data by the activities specified in the Packaging Waste Regulations.
2019 Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 Packaging Recycling & Recovery Data (republished 11 November 2020)
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4 - republication: the PRNs issued in January 2020 column had been omitted.
Monthly packaging waste exported and accepted for reprocessing
Quarter 1, 2, 3 & 4
2019 Obligation and Summary data (published 31 March 2020)
UK producer obligation data tables for 2019
Includes data from Compliance Schemes and Direct Registrants.
UK producer obligation data tables for 2019 broken down by each of the four Agencies
Includes data from Compliance Schemes and Direct Registrants.