ACP Best Practice Templates for Reprocessors and Exporters
The following documents are templates of best practice for reprocessors and exporters and will help applicants to focus applications on the information the regulators require. The business plan needs to be completed for each company and the relevant sampling and inspection plan and recording systems document for each reprocessor or exporter.
Best practice templates: Business Plan, Reprocessor S&I Plan, Exporter S&I Plan, Reprocessor Recording Systems, Exporter Recording Systems
The Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) is designed to bring together industry expertise with a specific interest in packaging and packaging waste to advise and make recommendations to government to assist with their policy development on packaging reuse, recovery and recycling. Members represent various parts of the packaging chain, including businesses which have legal obligations under the Producer Responsibility Obligations as well as others who are involved in the management of packaging waste – local authorities, compliance schemes, waste management companies, reprocessors and exporters.
Terms of Reference
To support the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government (the Devolved Administrations) in those matters relating to packaging falling within their respective responsibilities. In doing so, the Committee will have regard to the different policy priorities across the UK, the possibilities to maximise the economic, environmental and social benefits of the reuse, recycling and recovery of packaging waste and any applicable EU requirements.
A new Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) has now been appointed with the following membership:
Aluminium: Robert Fell
Glass: Matthew Demmon
Paper: Dimitra Rappou
Plastic: Mike Baxter
Steel: Nicola Jones
Wood: John Dye
Manufacturers: Sokhna Gueye, Graham Fox
Retailers: James Bull, Karen Graley
Local Authorities: England: Emma Beal, Northern Ireland: Tim Walker
Waste Management: Joseph Doherty, Stuart Hayward-Higham
Compliance Schemes: Adrian Hawkes, Robbie Staniforth
Transparency and representation
The ACP is committed to full transparency. Agendas and Minutes from ACP meetings together with any relevant reports will all be published here.
Whilst membership is on an individual basis through appointment by the Minister, ACP members are there to represent industry in general and their sectors in particular. Anyone can therefore contact their relevant representative on the Committee if there is an issue they would like to be considered by the ACP.
ACP Meeting dates
Held at Nobel House, Defra:
ACP Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Agenda 28/01/15
Minutes 28/01/15
Agenda 28/04/15
Minutes 28/04/15 Revised
Agenda 28/07/2015 Revised
Minutes 28/07/15
Minutes 13/10/15
Minutes 26/01/16
Minutes 26/04/16
Minutes 26/07/16
Minutes 25/10/16
Minutes 24/01/17
Minutes 25/04/17
Minutes 25/07/17
Minutes 24/10/17
Minutes 30/01/18
Minutes 24/07/18
Minutes 23/10/19
Minutes 29/01/19
Minutes 23/04/19
Minutes 23/07/19
Minutes 22/10/19
Minutes 23/01/20
Minutes 22/04/20
Minutes 29/07/20
Minutes 28/10/20
Minutes 26/01/21
Minutes 27/04/21
Minutes 27/07/21
Minutes 27/10/21
Minutes 25/01/22
Minutes 25/04/22
Minutes 26/07/22
Minutes 01/11/22
Minutes 01/02/23
Minutes 02/05/23
Minutes 01/08/23
Minutes 31/10/23
Minutes 05/02/24
Minutes 30/04/24
Minutes 23/07/24
Task Forces
TF1 -Chairman's Report ACP Meeting 28 April 2015
TF1 Task Group 1 report recommendations
TF1 Update presentation 13 October 2015
TF1 Update Meeting 26 January 2016
TF2 - Scoping Report April 2015
TF2 Communcations options January 2016
TF3 - CEP Paper submitted to the European Commission 8 April 2015
TF3 Meeting Key Issues 14 January 2016
TF4 Terms of Reference
Technical Liaison Group Agendas and Meeting Minutes
TLG Agenda 11/03/15
Notes of ACP TLG Meeting 11/03/2015
Definition of Contamination Paper v10 May 2015
TLG Meeting Notes 17/06/15
TLG Meeting Notes 11/08/2015
TLG Update 13 October 2015
TLG Meeting Notes 23/06/16
ACP response to Producer Responsibility Consultation May 2015
Notes from ACP meeting on PRN prices 19 June 2019
Silage wrap and packaging 9 July 2019
ACP Litter Task Force report – Summary
ACP Litter Task Force report
Response to Scottish Government's single-use plastic regulations consultations
Response to Welsh Government's litter and fly-tipping plan consultation
Advice to Defra on single-use plastic sachets
Response to Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland consultation
Response to Extended Producer Responsibility in Packaging in the UK consultation
Response to Defra's Consistencey in Collections in England consultation
Consultation on the Waste Prevention Programme for England: Towards a Resource-Efficient Economy
Response to Northern Ireland Consultation on proposed changes to the Carrier Bag Levy
Call for evidence on commonly littered and problematic plastic items
An updated marine litter strategy for Scotland: Consultation response from the Advisory Committee on Packaging
Response To The Consultation On Draft Environment Strategy For Northern Ireland from the Advisory Committee on Packaging
Consultation on proposals to ban commonly littered single-use plastic items in England: Response from the Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP)
Response to Scottish Government's litter and fly-tipping strategy
Response to Government's consultation on Packaging Waste Recycling Notes and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Notes
Response to Scottish Government's call for evidence on single-use objects
Response to Scottish Government's consultation on proposals for a Circular Economy Bill
Response to Scottish Government's route map to 2025 and beyond - consultation
Plastic Packaging Tax - MBA consultation form
Response to Statutory litter enforcement guidance in England Consultation
Response from the ACP to DAERA’s Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in Northern Ireland Consultation
Response to the Scottish consultation on charging for single-use disposable beverage cups